Thursday, October 15, 2015

Here is the new Facebook page for the Art Abandoners:  (LINK)

Check it out!  Also look for the link to their website on my blog.  
It is a great organization where artists from around the world 
abandon their art in hospitals, libraries, shops, parks, etc. for 
passersby to take for FREE!  It is a great way to share your
art and it has to be so uplifting for people to find!  Thanks
to Marla for putting up the Facebook site and the website
for all of us!  She is amazing!  :D

Art Abandoners website! Check it out  (LINK)

1 comment:

  1. The "Art Abandoners website! Check it out! " is THE LINK. Just click on it and it will take you to the website. The address at the top of this post will take you to the FB Art Abandoners website.
